Pharsa : The Wing Of Vengeance

Pharsa : The Wing Of Vengeance

Heroes Profile : Pharsa (Wing Of Vengeance)

Pharsa is a Mage hero who is quite popular and very popular with mobile legends players. One of his special abilities is high mobility as he can transform into a bird finder and fly quickly. In addition, this hero has high burst damage and a long range. here is the profile, story and explanation of the skill of Pharsa Mage at Mobile Legends.


Pharsa : The Wing Of VengeanceRelease date : 27 December 2017

Role : Mage

Specialty : Burst/Poke

Lane Recc. : Mid Lane

Origin : Askati Forest

Gender : Female

Species : Human

Ethnicity : Crow people

Weapons : Magic staff


As princess of the Crow Clan of Askati Forest, she was born with mutated blood. The mutation could gain her amazing abilities if she is awakened. When Alice invaded Askati Forest, the awakened Pharsa drove Alice away and lost her eyesight. After that, her lover turned himself into a crow to replace her eyes. One of the oldest races remaining in the Land of Dawn are the Crows of Askati Forest. Osana, the Crow King, brought this race together and guided them in the mastery of Sky Magic. This particular school of magic gives its user the ability to fly, change into a bird, and attack from a great distance, but only those whose blood has been “awakened” are able to use it.Pharsa : The Wing Of Vengeance

The noble Princess Pharsa was born with an unidentified blood type that was said to have great potential if awakened, but her tribe’s confused members were unable to fully unleash its potential despite their best efforts. Pharsa’s unique blood eventually became a burden as well-meaning opportunists from all over the country tried to take advantage of it for themselves. The evil witch Alice attacked the Askati Forest on the day of Pharsa’s wedding. She killed innumerable Crows with great ferocity and left a burning path of destruction in her wake. Crushed to the bone by the bloodshed all around her, Pharsa let Osana’s old crown fall to the ground. Her blood had been awakened, and she was suddenly filled with an unparalleled strength that was changing the way she looked. Pharsa’s eyes clouded over, as one side of her hair turned pure white, and she soared into the sky to unleash a torrential assault of horrifying magical power, fierce enough to drive Alice away.

The love of Verri’s life,

he could not bear to see his fiancée suffer through blindness on her alone. Instead, he decided to go with Pharsa wherever she went, using his own power to bind himself to her forever and give her the ability to see through his eyes. It was time for retribution since Pharsa wished her power had never awakened and that her house had not been destroyed. The witch had taken everything from her.Pharsa : The Wing Of Vengeance


Passive – Spiritual Unity

Damage Slow

Every 8 seconds, Verri enters the Hunting state and assists Pharsa on her next attack against an enemy hero, dealing [8 (+0.5% Total Magic Power)% of the target’s Max HP as Magic Damage] and slowing them by 60% for 1 second.



Skill 1 – Curse of Crow

CC Damage | Spell Vamp Ratio: 50%

Pharsa unleashes a blast of magic at the target location, dealing (+120% Total Magic Power) to enemies hit and marking them for 4 seconds. Pharsa’s subsequent attack against marked enemies will consume the mark and stun them for 1 second.

Skill 2 – Energy Impact

AOE | Spell Vamp Ratio: 50%

Pharsa releases magic energy in the target direction, dealing (+145% Total Magic Power) to enemies hit.

Ultimate – Feathered Air Strike

Burst | Spell Vamp Ratio: 50%

Pharsa takes flight for 8 seconds and bombards the target location, dealing (+160% Total Magic Power) to enemies within the area. This skill can be cast up to 4 times within the duration.



Special Skill – Wings by Wings
Morph Speed Up

Pharsa turns into mist and wraps herself around Verri, gaining the ability to fly over terrain. While in this state, she gains 135% Movement Speed that decays over time. This state lasts up to 5 seconds or until Pharsa uses a Basic Attack or skill, or is controlled.





So that was about Pharsa Mage Mobile Legends. This hero is one of powerfull mage heroes at MLBB, go try playing this heroes to get new experience. We will updating information , so stay tuned to this site.



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