Saber : The Wandering Sword

Saber : The Wandering Sword

Heroes Profile : Saber (Wandering Sword)

Saber is one of the heroes in the Mobile Legends game who is considered an Assassin. This Hero has high mobility and a strong burst damage ability, making him a big threat to heroes who have thin hp on the opposing team. For now, this hero is mostly used as a roamer, because this hero can kidnap one of the enemies easily. But at high rank this hero is very often banned.


Saber : The Wandering SwordRelease date : 2016

Role : Assassin

Specialty : Charge/Finisher

Lane Recc. : Jungling/Roaming

Born  :Duam Meng or Duanmeng, Unnamed village, Cadia Riverlands

Origin : Laboratory 1718, Baker Island (as Saber)

Gender : Male

Species : Cyborg

Weapons : Swords



In the northern mountains of the Cadia Riverlands, a village known as Duan Meng is home to the legendary Tianyin Swordmaster Sect. Duan Meng, once called Duan Meng and obsessed with kendo, spent his childhood perfecting his swordsmanship. He was determined to become a great swordmaster and eventually entered the sacred temple of Master Longma, who was once a disciple of the Great Dragon and spiritual leader of the sect.

Duan Meng’s obsession with swordsmanship led him to challenge stronger enemies and create his own legend. However, Master Longma denied his request to descend the mountain, saying that Duan Meng had not yet become a truly invincible swordsman. Duan Meng refused to go along with Master Longma’s point of view and continued to excel among his peers.

In the following years, Duan Meng traveled the Cadia Riverlands, defeating swordsman after another, including the adherents of the Dragon Altar. He kept climbing toward the title of “The Best Swordsman” without a single defeat. However, he faced his ultimate rival, Zhixu, who came from nowhere and had no teacher. Duan Meng was defeated in their battle, and he isolated himself in the mountains for three years to defeat him. At the end of these years, Duan Meng felt ready to fight Zhixu again, but his opponent made even greater progress in his training. Duan Meng’s repeated failure reminded him of his master’s words, and he decided to seek out a truly invincible swordsmanship style. He left the confines of the Cadia Riverlands and journeyed throughout the Land of Dawn, overheard rumors about Laboratory 1718, which could stimulate the potential of the human body through artificial transformation.Saber : The Wandering Sword

After numerous experiments and operations, an unprecedented transformation began, and a being with mechanical strength and human sword skills and sentience was born. Duan Meng had forgotten everything about himself, including his name, and was given a new code name by his creator: Saber. The sword of Laboratory 1718,


became a tool used for hunting down those stood against them. Laboratory 1718’s plan was to luring just the right person to help complete their human weapon plan. Once the transformation was completed, Duan Meng, who once dreamt of reaching the very height of swordsmanship, no longer existed. Instead, the ruthless mechanical killer, Saber, was born.

Saber, tormented by shards of his memories, severed the neural control implant in his head, destroyed the humanoid weapon project laboratory, and embarked on the long and lonely road of exile. In the years that followed, Labrador 1718 never gave up their pursuit of what they saw as a failed product. Through constant fighting and wandering, Saber was determined to rediscover his name and origin, slowly finding his past. He knew he had not yet become a truly invincible swordsman and that he still had a destined opponent awaiting his next challenge.

Saber : The Wandering Sword


  Passives – Enemy’s Bane


Saber’s attacks reduce enemies’ Physical Defense by 3–8 for 5 seconds on hit. This effect stacks up to 5 times.

Skill 1 – Orbiting Swords

AOE Buff

Saber releases 5 swords that orbit around him and deal 80–105 (+30% Extra Physical Attack) Physical Damage to nearby enemies on hit. The swords will retract back to him after a while.
When the swords are present, Saber sends a sword toward his target on each attack, dealing 210–260 (+60% Extra Physical Attack) Physical Damage to the target and 50% of the damage to other enemies it passes through (damage against minions is reduced to 50%). Each attack also reduces the cooldown of Charge by 1 second.

Skill 2 – Charge

Mobility AOE

Saber dashes in the target direction, dealing 75–150 (+50% Extra Physical Attack) Physical Damage to enemies along the way while enhancing his next Basic Attack. The enhanced Basic Attack deals 75–150 (+120% Total Physical Attack) Physical Damage and slows the target by 60% for 1 second.

Ultimate – Triple Sweep

Burst CC

Saber charges at the target enemy hero, knocking them airborne for 1.2 seconds and striking them 3 times over the duration. The first two strikes deal 120–180 (+100% Extra Physical Attack) Physical Damage each, while the third strike deals 240–360 (+200% Extra Physical Attack) Physical Damage.

So that was about Saber Assassin Hero Mobile Legends. This hero is one of powerfull mage heroes at MLBB, go try playing this heroes to get new experience. We will updating information , so stay tuned to this site.



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