Layla : The Energy Gunner

Layla The Energy Gunner

Heroes Profile : Layla (Energy Gunner)

Layla is the first generation marksman in mobile legends. This Hero is very popular because of its high damage and very long attack range. Despite its low mobility which makes it very easy to kill, many players like this hero. Simply play carefully and good cooperation then this hero is very deadly.



Layla The Energy GunnerLayla The Energy GunnerRelease date : 23 September 2016

Role : Marksman

Specialty : Finisher/Damage

Lane Recc. : Gold Lane

Born : Eruditio

Origin : City of Scholars, Eruditio

Gender : Female

Species : Human

Weapons : Malefic Gun, Malefic Energy Bomb, energy ball and energy blast


Hardly anybody in Eruditio—the City of Scholars—is unaware of Layla. In the same way that a brilliant star shines above Eruditio’s streets at night, she is the “daughter of Eruditio”. Carrying the revolver her grandfather had given her, she was brave and selfless, keeping Eruditio safe in her own special manner, all the while wearing a big smile on her face. When Layla was younger, she would often ask her grandfather about her parents, but she could tell it was awful by his sorrowful expression and his hesitation to share the information. Layla gave up on the issue and resolved never to hurt her grandfather again as a result. But secrets can never remain concealed for long, and soon the truth about her origin came to light.

Layla Grant, a member of the Eruditio Rangers, bravely protected the Starlium Reactor during a vicious attack on Eruditio. Her actions demonstrated the resilience and perseverance of the city’s youth, and the love and belonging for their home was the life force flowing through the veins of Eruditians. This year, the honorary title of “Shining Star” was given to Layla, the “daughter of Eruditio.” Layla grew up in the streets of Eruditio, and every Scholar in the Spire of Knowledge had experienced her mischievous nature. She would sometimes try to strike a deal on behalf of traders with her funny accent, and every porter at the docks enjoyed her assistance.Layla The Energy Gunner

Layla’s only blood relative, the old but still strong-as-a-bull, Thomas, had never shown signs of joy. He had lost his beloved daughter, and he would swaddle the baby in the cloak of darkness to hide her. Over time, Layla grew up and became a delight to Thomas’ barren life, loving both the sky and the earth.

Thomas, once marked by pain, began to smile again, and he and Layla flew across the skyline of Eruditio, becoming the biggest headache for the young Eruditio Rangers. She still wanted to know her parents, and she suggested that Thomas check out Grandpa’s newly fine-tuned weapon, which had three times the firepower of the previous one.


a young girl, stopped asking her grandfather about her parents due to the sadness and evasiveness in his eyes. She discovered that his grandfather had gone to a cemetery to pay respects to a woman named Lillian, a great Scholar who died for the advancement of Eruditio. She realized that her mother was the one who died for her knowledge, and she was saddened by the thought that they could never be together.

Layla understood that her grandfather wanted to erase all traces of her parents from her life so she wouldn’t have to grieve. She still wanted to leave a little door in her heart for the woman named Lillian, so she could visit her in dreams. She hoped that he would one day walk through that little door with her mother and reveal his true identity.

Layla vowed to remember her mother and protect Eruditio, the city her mother had laid her life down for. In her grandfather’s eyes, She was on a different path from her mother, as she disliked studying and flunked every test she sat for. However, this was great news for her grandfather, as it meant she wouldn’t end up a Scholar and never share the same fate as Lillian.

Layla’s grandfather, Thomas, held her tightly to him, trembling violently, and said, “Your mother would be so proud of you.” Layla, a girl left by Lillian, is handed a prototype gun by Thomas, which she believes will protect Eruditio. Thomas, who has been unable to find any trace of Lillian for 15 years, believes that She is the deepest trace left by her mother and father. With the malefic gun, She feels like Lillian is always beside her, and even the nameless man is there for her.

He would name the infant Layla and swaddle her in the darkness to keep her hidden.Layla The Energy Gunner


Passive – Malefic Gun


Layla deals increased damage to enemies farther away from her (starting at 100% and increasing to 130% at 6 units away). This does not include Turrets.

Skill 1 – Malefic Bomb

Burst, Buff

Layla fires a Malefic Bomb in the target direction, dealing 200–400 (+80% Total Physical Attack) Physical Damage to the first enemy hit (can critically strike).
Upon hitting an enemy, Layla’s Basic Attacks and Void Projectile gain extra range for 3 seconds, and she gains 60% Movement Speed that decays over 1.2 seconds. The duration of the Movement Speed boost is doubled (or 2.4 seconds) if an enemy hero is hit.

Skill 2 – Void Projectile

AOE, Slow

Layla fires an orb of Malefic Energy that explodes on hit, dealing 170–320 (+65% Total Physical Attack) Physical Damage to targets in the area and applying Magic Mark on them for 3 seconds. When Layla hits an enemy with a Magic Mark, she deals 100–200 (+35% Total Physical Attack) Physical Damage to nearby enemies and stuns them for 0.25 seconds.

Ultimate – Destruction Rush

Burst, Buff

Layla fires a blast of Malefic Energy in the target direction, dealing 500–800 (+150% Total Physical Attack) Physical Damage to enemies in a line.
Passive: The range of Layla’s Void Projectile and Basic Attacks is increased by 0.6–1.8 units. Her sight range is also slightly increased u each time this skill is upgraded.

This hero is one of powerfull Marksman heroes at MLBB, go try playing this heroes to get new experience. We will updating information , so stay tuned to this site



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