Bruno : The Protector

Bruno : The Protector

Heroes Profile Bruno : The Protector

Bruno is a marksman-type hero who has very large damage. Using a ball as a weapon, Bruno mainly relies on critical damage to kill his enemies.

In the world of Land of Dawn, Bruno is one of the children who was born in the midst of family conditions that are fairly poor and live in slum settlements.

Bruno was among the weak children among his peers. But it does not make Bruno discouraged, he remains patient and has ambitions strong enough so that he can become someone who has great strength someday.


Bruno : The Protector  Release date : 2016

Role : Marksman

Specialty : Finisher/Burst

Born : Agelta Drylands


Species : Cyborg

Occupation : City guard

Affiliation : Eruditio, Scholar’s Union, Eruditio Rangers

Weapons : Powerball, Energy ball


Bruno was once a child whose fate was really not good, he was once a poor boy who lived in the slums, even Bruno was one of the very weak and helpless children, where suddenly he had to lose both legs because of an incident that required him to give up both legs in order to save his friend who was in need.

Bruno’s sad story was heard and known to many people, and one of them was a scientist. Scientists who are sad and sorry for Bruno decided to help him, he helped by providing prosthetic legs with technology and also sophistication in the prosthetic legs.

Bruno : The Protector

Bruno, who was paired with these legs, could suddenly stand and run even more, and what was even more surprising for Bruno was that he felt a powerful force in the legs. Bruno decided to promise to be a good person and will use the foot for good, because he did not want to hurt people, Bruno decided to attack people with the ball he kicked.

Growing up in the slums, Bruno was always thinner than his peers. This state never stopped him from having a heart filled with freedom.


after a tragic accident, Bruno lost both of his legs while saving his friend’s life. Unfortunately, this event caused Bruno to lose all hope of his life.

Antoinerei scientists heard Bruno’s inspiring story and praised his courage and empathized with the tragedy he caused. Because of the strong feeling of pity, the scientists used Antoinerei’s latest technology to create sntetis legs for Bruno.

When Bruno took his first steps, he was surprised by the strange feeling of his cystic feet but amazed by how he could run that felt like he was flying.

To thank him, Bruno vowed to protect Antoinerei until the end of his life. excited City scientists soon develop an Energy Ball as Bruno’s primary weapon, specifically for use with his synthetic legs.

From that day on, every colonist who set foot on the Antoinerei had to deal with a relentless attack from Bruno. The townspeople eventually gave him the nickname, ” The Protector of Antoinerei.”

Bruno : The Protector


Passives – Mecha Legs


Bruno gains 2% extra Crit Chance each time he deals damage with his skills (up to 10 stacks).
Bruno has higher Physical Attack but only gains 80% extra Attack Speed from all sources.

Skill 1 – Volley Shot

Damage Slow

Bruno kicks a Powerball on his next Basic Attack, dealing 145–320 (+100% Total Physical Attack) Physical Damage to the target and slowing them by 30% for 0.5 seconds.
The Powerball then bounces back toward Bruno and lands on the ground. He or allied heroes can retrieve the Powerball , after which he can perform another enhanced Basic Attack and have the cooldown of Flying Tackle reduced by 1 second.

Skill 2 – Flying Tackle

Mobility CC

Bruno makes a slide tackle in the target direction dealing 140–265 (+40% Total Physical Attack) Physical Damage to enemies in his path and stunning them for 0.5 seconds.
If the Powerball is bouncing back, Bruno also draws the Powerball toward him.

Ultimate – Worldie

Burst CC

Bruno kicks his Energy Ball at the target enemy hero, 250–450 (+83% Total Physical Attack) Physical Damage and knocking them back. The Energy Ball then bounces between nearby enemies up to 10 times, each time dealing 150–270 (+50% Total Physical Attack) Physical Damage. Each hit also reduces the enemy’s Physical Defense by 4%–8% for 8 seconds (up to 3 stacks).


This hero is one of powerfull Marksman heroes at MLBB, go try playing this heroes to get new experience. We will updating information , so stay tuned to this site



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