Best Build Items For Helcurt The New Roamer Assassin 2024

Best Build Items For Helcurt The New Roamer Assassin 2024

Best Build Items For Helcurt The New Roamer Assassin 2024


Helcurt, the ShadowBringer, is a hero in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang.

Helcurt is a hero assassin who later popular hand used as a roamer.

Although roam with the correct build Helcurt revamp still has sick damage like a jungler.

Assassin Roamer is no stranger to Mobile Legends.

Because in the past few seasons or until this season there are still many players who use Natalia and Saber as roamers.




Despite playing in the roam position, the emblem Helcurt uses must still use the assassin build. But if your assassin emblem is still low, use the Basic Common Emblem.

Here are the sickest Best Build Items For Helcurt The New Roamer Assassin 2024 recommendations that you can try:

Best Build Items For Helcurt The New Roamer Assassin 2024

Agility or Swift
Both talents are equally good for Helcurt. If you care about fast rotation in the game, you should use Agility. But if you care about kill and split tower, use Swift talent. Talent Agility can accelerate Helcurt’s Movement Speed by as much as 4%. While Swift can accelerate Helcurt’s Attack Speed. Determine these two items according to their respective play styles or try first in classic mode which one is more convenient to use.

Master Assassin
Despite playing in the roam position, Helcurt still has the same gameplay. Helcurt must roam and grab the heroes who are alone. Because if Helcurt gets into the middle of the game carelessly, this hero will die easily. Therefore, you must use Master Assassin as a second talent. This Talent can increase Helcurt’s damage by 7% when kidnapping a lone hero. Using Master Assassin is very effective to knock out enemies in one Helcurt combo. The key IS attack the enemy when the stack is maximum.

Lethal Ignition
To further support Helcurt’s attacks when his stack is full, use Lethal Ignition. This Talent will give Helcurt damage of 7% of the opponent’s hero’S maximum HP.


Best Build Items For Helcurt The New Roamer Assassin 2024

Best Build Items For Helcurt The New Roamer Assassin 2024

Best Build Items For Helcurt The New Roamer Assassin 2024

Keep using item damage even if you play in the roam position. Because when Helcurt uses his tank damage item it doesn’t hurt like Karina Tank.

Use The blessing roam Dire Hit to increase Helcurt damage during team fight. Check out more of Helcurt roam’s build items below:

Swift Boots / Tough Boot
When using Helcurt roam you can’t stick with just one shoe. You have to adjust the draft pick arrangement of the enemies faced. If many enemies have Crowd Control skills, you should use Tough Boot. Helcrut is a hero who often gets into the middle of a fight, so use the second shoe to dampen the Crowd Control effect of the opponent.

Blade of Heptaseas
This Item is very effective to use right now because many Physical Defense heroes are nerfed. One example is Blade Armor which only has 70 Physical Defense whereas it used to be 90. So the Blade of Heptaseas is suitable for use by instant kill heroes like Helcurt. This item’s unique passive will strengthen Helcurt’s Physical Penetration and make it shine when many defense items are nerfed by Moonton.

Demon Hunter Sword
This Item is now in OP there is no reason whatsoever to replace the Demon Hunter Sword from the sickest Helcurt Build array even in the roam position.
Demon Sword Hunter is important for Helcurt considering that there are currently many meta heroes with thick HP. This item dominantly strengthens Helcurt’s Attack Speed, certainly the perfect combination if you use Swift’s talent.

Hunter Strike
This Item is useful for increasing Physical Attack and lowering the Cooldown of Helcurt’s skill set. In addition, Hunter Strike also has high Physical Penetration for Helcurt. These three build item arrays are the best combination to get fast Cooldown, high Attack Speed, and sick Physical Penetration. In addition, when you use basic attack Helcurt 5 times in a row, this item will increase Movement Speed.

Blade of Despair
This Item has the most expensive price so it is better to buy during the late game phase. Blade of Despair can increase Helcurt’s damage by and speed up Helcurt’s mobility. This Item can make it easy for you to get instant kills when using Helcurt. Especially if the previous 3 items are ready and attack enemies whose HP is less than 50%. So this item does not guarantee instant high damage, you still have to pay attention to which enemies can be killed instantly.

Immortality / Rose Gold Meteor/Wind Talker
This Item is very important for Helcurt in the late game phase. Take advantage of this item’s unique passive to avoid death and gain additional defense. Once the Unique Passive is active, replace the Immortality item with a Wind Talker or Rose Gold Meteor.

Wind Talker is very effective for increasing Critical Chance and Basic Attack Helcurt. Use this item during the late game phase and you plan to steal the enemy tower.

This last Item is actually optional because with the previous four items Helcurt was already very sick. You can buy this item if you want to have higher Attack Speed and Movement Speed.

While Rose Gold Meteor you can use to protect Helcurt from enemy high Damage Magic attacks. You must use these items when meeting with magic Damage dominant enemies.

so that Best Build Items For Helcurt The New Roamer Assassin 2024.

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